Ad Hominem

One may think that Ad Hominem deserves to be falsely linked to NSBM, considering their constant attacks on zionism. However, even left wing nutjobs will point out, everytime they attack zionism, that zionism does not mean anti-semitism. Funny how these left-wingers only say that when other left wingers attack zionism, but when someone who doesn't follow their left-wing political believes attack zionism, it suddenly stops to be true. Regurgitation of the brainless, ladies and gentlement!

Similar to Mayhem and Kvaathan, Ad Hominem likes to provoke, obviously. One may want to point out their song ''Auschwitz Rule'' to accuse them of being National-Socialists. Problem is, nothing in the lyrics of said song can confirm that. Think about Slayer's ''Angel of Death'' song for a minute...

Anyhow, FACTS are there. Ad Hominem's lyrics have proven that they are not what some have accused them to be.

FACTS: Ad Hominem's lyrics on Metal archives


To continue in the vain of ''I can't fucking believe some are stupid enough to think that'', Mayhem is often accused of being Nazis. I will make a link with Kvaathan here, to enumerate something often found in black metal, and that is: IMAGERY! Yes they can sometimes LOOK like some militia-men from a fascist regime, YES they can use certain symbols to PROVOCATE the masses, but still, the facts are there and the facts have proven that Mayhem is not what some accuse them of being.

FACTS: Mayhem on Metal archives, with lyrics etc...


Believe it or not, there are actually individuals who think Sargeist is a neo-nazi band. Just like Nargaroth, those who accuses a band like Sargeist of being National-Socialists know nothing about black metal, and are obviously not the most intelligent people on earth, either.

FACTS: Pretty much all lyrics are found here on the bands metal archive profile


Yes, Nargaroth. A band that was accused of so many things since its creation, and being Nazi and racist are some of them. Obviously, most Black metal fans know it is not true, but people who make such accusations usually don't know anything about black metal, so the presence of this band here is legitimate.

FACTS: Nargaroth's official website with lyrics and everything there is to know

We will not post any videos of Nargaroth here to respect his copyright. You will notice that all videos posted here are in fact videos posted by the bands themselves, if not, we don't post them.


Pagan folk metal from Quebec (don't worry, we have bands from other places coming!). Just like Forteresse and Brume d'Automne, their patriotism and paganism makes them a really easy target. To add to that, the band is made of members of Kvaathan and Northern Storm! We already proven here that Northern Storm and Kvaathan are not NSBM or racist bands, so we are now doing the same thing for their common project 1837.

Lyrics are in french, and unlike Kvaathan there's no official translation, but I can say that they are pretty much similar to Forteresse's lyrics, only with celtic paganism added to that.

Lyrics (you are always free to translate them): Lyrics for ''Prologue'' (Promo CD)

Manifest written by the band, with English translation!: 1837, Manifeste

Northern Storm

Viking black metal from Quebec. Northern Storm is kind of a brother in arms of Kvaathan, which seems to be one of the reasons why some accuse the band of being NSBM and racist. Funny, considering that we have already posted the proof that Kvaathan is not NSBM or racist. But of course, they say they have other reasons, but still, they have no proof simply because WE have the FACTS and the FACTS don't lie. I fail to see how a band whose main lyrical themes are nature and vikings could be national-socialist and racist, but no need to believe us, simply look at the FACTS:

Facts to be seen on the band's websites:



Brume d'Automne

Folk black metal band from Quebec. Pretty much like Forteresse, they are an easy target due to their patriotic believes. But again, like every other bands here, these accusations are false. Here are the facts and facts don't lie:

Lyrics for their ''Fiers et Victorieux'' album: On Metal Archives


Pagan and militaristic black metal from Quebec. A band accused of being national-socialist and racist even before they could even publish their lyrics, so how could people claim they were NS and racists if no lyrics were there to prove it? Ah yes, apparently, the celtic cross on the band's FORMER logo proves it? Didn't know the Celts were National-Socialists. This is pretty much like Pagan Flame here, where antifa uses Heathen symbols to make false accusations. Either way, this logo is long gone and the band made sure that no one would ever misinterprete their ideology anymore. So here are the facts and facts don't lie!

Proof through the lyrics: Four lyrics from the band. Many other lyrics can be found on the net. So let's play a game called ''find the racism!''

Websites: Kvaathan on facebook

Kvaathan on myspace

Cool rough mix of a song from the band's upcoming album: Click Here

other rough mixes from the upcoming album:

Then, the ''racidal ecology'' as they call it!


Akitsa, a cult band from Quebec (see the pattern here?). One in a long list of bands who doesn't do anything politically correct, they have been accused of being a Nazi and racist band for years. Their punkish influence on many tracks, which many associate with ''Rock Against Communism'' probably didn't help, either. Why didn't any of the accusers read the bands lyrics is anyone's guess so here you go:

Buttload of Akitsa lyrics: Akitsa on Metal Archives. Find the racism!


Patriotic and ambiant black metal, from, once again, Quebec.

Link to all of Forteresse's lyrics: Forteresse on metal archives

Few good videos, too:

One of their best songs. Fun story: Some guy who posted a video on youtube really thought Forteresse was a NSBM band.

Notice that for a supposedly NSBM or Aryan Black Metal band, there's not many things that would suggest they actually promote such music.