Black Metal Against Censorship

Who are we?

Black Metal Against Censorship is a campaign destined to counter the lies forged by various individuals (such as antifa) towards certain Black Metal bands. Metal has never been about being politically correct and metal should never have to deal with censorship.

This blog is not an attack towards others nor a site hosting various useless declarations. We do not believe that making any declarations about certain bands not being ‘’Nazis’’ or ‘’Racially Motivated’’, as these type of declarations always fall on deaf hears. Instead, we present you the FACTS and the FACTS only, because FACTS simply CAN NOT lie. In other words, we will provide people with links towards bands’ websites and lyrics in order to counter the lies. Every time some individuals spreads lies about a band, we will be there to counter these lies with the FACTS.

We are working to make sure that Black Metal fans and black metal bands will no longer have to deal with the threats, lies and intimidation of people who shouldn’t even have anything to say about Black Metal music.
Black Metal fans should take a stand and refuse categorically to listen to the lies and black metal bands should never have to suffer because of the lies of individuals who don't even understand what the art of Black Metal is!

Our weapon is the truth!

Important Note: This website will NOT contain any material from NSBM bands or other bands who spread racial hatred. Not because we do not respect their rights to express themselves, but because as some NSBM band once said: ‘’If you want to start a NSBM band and join the NS movement, you need to be aware that some people will not like it and you need to be strong enough to face the opposition’’. This is a statement we strongly believe in and therefore, only bands that are FALSELY accused will be added here.

However, NSBM bands, and anyone for that matter, are open to support us, just like we support their freedom of expressing whatever they want, no matter what some might say.

Second important note: Bands featured here are not necessarily linked to each other or with us. They may not even know that they are featured here. We do what we do to support them and their fans, period.

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