
Pagan and militaristic black metal from Quebec. A band accused of being national-socialist and racist even before they could even publish their lyrics, so how could people claim they were NS and racists if no lyrics were there to prove it? Ah yes, apparently, the celtic cross on the band's FORMER logo proves it? Didn't know the Celts were National-Socialists. This is pretty much like Pagan Flame here, where antifa uses Heathen symbols to make false accusations. Either way, this logo is long gone and the band made sure that no one would ever misinterprete their ideology anymore. So here are the facts and facts don't lie!

Proof through the lyrics: Four lyrics from the band. Many other lyrics can be found on the net. So let's play a game called ''find the racism!''

Websites: Kvaathan on facebook

Kvaathan on myspace

Cool rough mix of a song from the band's upcoming album: Click Here

other rough mixes from the upcoming album:

Then, the ''racidal ecology'' as they call it!

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