Pagan folk metal from Quebec (don't worry, we have bands from other places coming!). Just like Forteresse and Brume d'Automne, their patriotism and paganism makes them a really easy target. To add to that, the band is made of members of Kvaathan and Northern Storm! We already proven here that Northern Storm and Kvaathan are not NSBM or racist bands, so we are now doing the same thing for their common project 1837.

Lyrics are in french, and unlike Kvaathan there's no official translation, but I can say that they are pretty much similar to Forteresse's lyrics, only with celtic paganism added to that.

Lyrics (you are always free to translate them): Lyrics for ''Prologue'' (Promo CD)

Manifest written by the band, with English translation!: 1837, Manifeste

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