Pagan Flame

The first of many, and I shall put emphasis on the word MANY, Pagan black metal bands from Quebec (there seems to be a huge circus out there these days, where Heathen bands are falsely accused of being ''right-wing''). This particular band once had to cancel one of their gigs due to threats coming from antifa.

Antifa, of course, based their accusations on, well, pretty much nothing. Oh, sorry, the band's imagery, which is deemed ''nazi'' by antifa. Because apparently, they don't know about the great Pagan symbols, and seem to think that because Nazis have used them it ultimatelly means that every one who uses such Pagan symbols are nazis, too.

I wasn't able to find any lyrics, unfortunatelly. But still, the band is there and by looking at them, one may wonder where are the ''little things'' that could confirm that this particular Quebecer outfit are indeed a nazi band.

See for yourself: Pagan Flame on Myspace

And a few nice videos:

Clearly, this band has everything NAZI in them! Right? (pardon the sarcasm)

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