Ad Hominem

One may think that Ad Hominem deserves to be falsely linked to NSBM, considering their constant attacks on zionism. However, even left wing nutjobs will point out, everytime they attack zionism, that zionism does not mean anti-semitism. Funny how these left-wingers only say that when other left wingers attack zionism, but when someone who doesn't follow their left-wing political believes attack zionism, it suddenly stops to be true. Regurgitation of the brainless, ladies and gentlement!

Similar to Mayhem and Kvaathan, Ad Hominem likes to provoke, obviously. One may want to point out their song ''Auschwitz Rule'' to accuse them of being National-Socialists. Problem is, nothing in the lyrics of said song can confirm that. Think about Slayer's ''Angel of Death'' song for a minute...

Anyhow, FACTS are there. Ad Hominem's lyrics have proven that they are not what some have accused them to be.

FACTS: Ad Hominem's lyrics on Metal archives

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